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Saturday, November 16, 2013


A Vigil Memorial Service celebrating St.Francis “passing over” from this life to the glory of Heaven 1. GREETING AND PRAYER (Stand) (The Community assembles in a suitable place outside the chapel. Each one holds burning candles: the celebrant holds a larger candle, symbolizing St.Francis) Leader Let us bless our Lord and God, living and true All To Him we offer all praise, all glory, all honour, all blessings, and every good forever. Amen (the Office of the passion) Leader Brothers and sisters, a very ancient tradition draws us together on the eve of this St.Francis’ Festival to celebrate his Transitus: the final stage of his journey home to God. While rejoicing in the saint’s holy death and glorious entry into heaven, we give thanks to God the Father, that in his Son, and by his Spirit’s power, we too can welcome death as our “sister”, and trusting in his mercy, can live now in the sure hope of resurrection. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you All And also with you. Leader Let us pray (Silent prayer) Lord, God, on this night you gave to our holy father Francis, the Poverello of Assisi, the reward of perfect beatitude. In your love, lead us who celebrates his Transitus, to follow closely in his footsteps, and come in our turn, to worship you face to face, in a joy that knows no ending. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. All Amen. Amen. Alleluia! 2. PROCESSION (In procession the community proceeds to the Chapel with lighted candles. A HYMN to St.Francis is sung. Before taking their seats, the friars and those present, place the lighted candles in front of the decorated statue of St.Francis. The celebrant garlands and incenses it.) 3. THE NARRATIVE OF THE DEATH OF ST.FRANCIS (sit) Reader1 The space of twenty years had now passed since Francis’ conversion, according to what had been made known to him by the will of God. For when the blessed Father and Brother Elias were staying at one time at Foligno, one night when they had given themselves to sleep a certain white – grabbed priest of a very great and advanced age and of venerable appearance stood before Brother Elias and said: “Arise. Brother, and says to Brother Francis that eighteen years are now completed since he renounced the world and gave himself to Christ, and that he will remain in this life for only two more years; then the Lord will call him to himself and he will go the way of all flesh” And thus it happen that the word of the Lord that had been made known long before was fulfilled at the appointed time. When therefore he had rested for a few days in a place he greatly longed to be in and realized that the time of His death was at hand, he called to Him two of his brothers and Spiritual sons and commanded them to sing in a loud voice with joy of spirit the Praises of the Lord. (1Cel 109) All sing The Canticle of Creature (Stand) Reader 2 Responding to Francis’ desire, Friar Elias arranged for him to be carried to the Portiuncula. The magistrates of Assisi consented, and sent an armed escort. When the cortege reached Santa Maria le Mura, Francis raised himself on the litter, and seemed for some time to be contemplating this lovely and familiar view of the city, which he could no longer see. Then painfully he lifted his arm and blessed it: Leader “May you be blessed, dear city of God. Once you were a lair of brigands, but God has chosen you to become the home of those who know Him and who reverence His most blessed and glorious Name”. Reader 1 At the Portiuncula, St.Francis was given a tiny hut in the forest near to the Chapel of St.Mary of the Angels. In honour of his Lady Poverty, he asked that he be laid naked on the ground, and covering with one hand the wound in his side he said: Leader “My task is done, may Christ teach you to do yours”. Reader 2 Francis had all the brothers present there called to him and soothing them with comforting words in view of his death he exhorted them with paternal affection to love God. He spoke a long time about practicing patience and poverty, setting the counsels of the Holy Gospel ahead of all other prescriptions. Then, with all the brothers sitting about, he extended his right hand over them and beginning with his vicar, he placed it upon the head of each one. And he blessed in those who were present, also all his brothers in the world and all who would come after them unto the end of the world. A certain brother, however, from among those standing about whom the saint loved with a great affection, in his anxiety for all the brothers, said to him, when he saw these things and recognized that Francis was approaching his end: Reader 1 “Kind Father, alas, your sons are now without a father and are deprived of the true light of their eyes. Remember therefore your orphan sons whom you are now leaving: forgive them all their faults and give joy to those present and absent with your holy blessing.” And the saint said to him: Leader “Behold, my son, I am called by God; I forgive my brothers, both present and absent, all their offenses and faults and, in as far as I am able, I absolve them: I want you to announce this to them and bless them all on my behalf.” (1Cel 190; 2Cel 216) All O Patriarch of the Poor, Francis, with your prayers, increase in the love of Christ the number of your Children, whom like the dying Jacob, you blessed before your death, with your hands crossed. Reader 2 Francis did not forget Sister Clare, who he learned was weeping at the thought of losing her father and friend. He sent a message to his “little spiritual plant” Leader “I the little brother Francis wish to follow to the end the poor way which was that of our Lord and of His Mother, and I conjure you, my daughter, never to be separated from it”. Reader 1 Then he added: Leader “And say to Lady Clare, that I forbid her to give way to sadness, for I promise her that she and her sister will see me again”. Reader 2 Francis also sent a message to his friend, the Lady Jacoba of Rome, that she should come in haste with what is needed for his burial. Before the courier left the room a brother ran in to announce her arrival, and Francis cried weakly: Leader “God be praised, let the door be opened, for the rule forbidding women to enter here does not apply to Brother Jacoba!” Reader 1 The Roman Lady had carried with her all that was needed for the saint’s burial, and a box of almond biscuits, which Francis tried to, but could not eat. Reader 2 On Friday 2nd October, Francis asked for bread, and he blessed it and, like Christ at the last Supper, distributed it to all present, while the Gospel of St.John was read beginning at the Passion. (Ch13f) (Bread is blessed and quietly distributed to those present. While READER I proclaims the Gospel) “Before the festival of the Passover, Jesus knowing that his hour had come to pass from this world to the Father, having loved those who were his in the world, loved them to the end. They were at supper, and the devil had already put it into the mind of Judas Iscariot son of Simon, to betray him. Jesus knew that the Father had put everything into his hands, and that he had come from God and was returning to God, and he got up from table, removed his outer garment and taking a towel, wrapped it round his waist; he then poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet and to wipe them with the towel he was wearing. He came to Simon Peter, who said to him, ‘Lord, are you going to was my feet?’ Jesus answered, ‘At the moment you do not know that I am doing, but later you will understand’ ‘Never! Said Peter, You shall never wash my feet.’ Jesus replied. ‘If I do not wash you, you can have no share with me.’ Simon Peter said, ‘Well then, Lord, not only my feet, but my hands and my head as well!’ Jesus said, ‘No one who has had a bath needs washing, such a person is clean all over. You too are clean, through not all of you are.’ He knew who was going to betray him, and that was why he said, ‘though not all of you are’. When he had washed their feet and out on his outer garments again he went back to the table. ‘Do you understand’, he said, ‘what I have done to you? You call me Master and Lord, and rightly; so I am. If I, then, Lord and Master, have washed your feet, you must was each other’s feet. I have given you am example so that you may copy what I have done to you. In all truth I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, no messenger is greater than the one who sent him. ‘Now that you know this, blessed are you if you behave accordingly. I am not speaking about all of you: I know the ones I have chosen; but what scripture says must be fulfilled. He who shares my table takes advantage of me. I tell you this now, before it happens, so that when it does happen you may believe that I am He. In all truth I tell you, whoever welcomes the one I send, welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me, welcomes the one who sent me.’ Having said this, Jesus was deeply disturbed and declared, ‘In all truth I tell you, one of you is going to betray me.’ The disciples looked at each other, wondering whom he meant. The disciple Jesus loved was reclining next to Jesus; Simon Peter signed to him and said, “Ask who it is means”, so leaning back close to Jesus chest he said, “Who is it Lord?” Jesus answered, ‘It is the one to whom I give the piece of bread that I dip in the dish. And that instant, after Judas had taken the bread, Satan entered him. Jesus then said, ‘What are you going to do, do quickly.’ None of the others at the table understood why he said this. Since Judas had charge of common fund, some of them thought Jesus was telling him, ‘Buy what we need for the festival,’ or telling him to give something to the poor. As soon as Judas had taken the piece of bread he went out. It was night. When he had gone, Jesus said: Now has the Son of man been glorified, and in him God has been glorified. If God has been glorified in him, God will in turn glorify him in himself, and will glorify him very soon. Little children, I shall be with you only a little longer. You will look for me, and, as I told the Jews, where I am going, you cannot come. I give you a new commandment: love one another you must love one another just as I have loved you. It is by your love for one another, that everyone will recognize you as my disciples. Simon Peter said, ‘Lord, where are you going?’ Jesus replied, ‘Now you cannot follow me where I am going, but later you shall follow me.’ Peter said to him, ‘Why can I not follow you now? I will lay down my life for you.’ ‘Lay down your life for me? Answered Jesus. ‘In all truth I tell you, before the cock crows you will have disowned me three times’.” Reader 2 At dusk on the next day, “she to whom no one willingly opens the door” , presented herself, and Francis saw her enter. The little poor man received her courteously: Leader “Be welcome, my Sister Death” Reader 1 and he begged a brother to announce as a herald of arms does, the solemn arrivals of his expected guest; foe added: Leader “It is she who is going to introduce me to eternal life”. Reader 2 They placed him on the ground in a coarse sack – cloth to honour the sombre guest, his head was covered with ashes and dust. Then with failing voice he intoned Psalm 142, and those around him continued with him: Leader Voce mea ad Dominus clamavi… All With a loud voice I cry out to he Lord With a loud voice I beseech the Lord. Alternate My complaint I pour out before Him: verses Before him I lay bare my distress. beginning When my spirit is faint within me, with the you know my path. right side In the way along which I walk they have hid a trap for me. I look to the right to see, But there is no one who pays me heed. I have lost all means of escape; there is no one who cares for my life. I cry out to you O Lord; I say, “You are my refuge, My portion in the land of living. Attend to my cry, for they are too strong for me. Lead me forth from prison, that I may give thanks to your name. The just shall gather around me when you have been good to me” Reader 1 There was a great silence. Evening had already stolen into the hut. Francis lay motionless. The final stage of his Transitus had begun. One of his biographer wrote: Reader 2 In the year of our Lord’s Incarnation 1226, on October 4, the day he had given himself perfectly to Christ and followed the life and footsteps of the Apostles, the apostolic man Francis was freed from the shackles of this mortal life and went happily to Christ. (2Cel 220 a) Reader 1 Immediately a multitude of crested larks flocked wheeling about the roof of the hut and for long, with their sad chirping, bewailed the loss of their friend. At the same hour, a Brother, one of no small fame, saw a shining star, born on a white cloud, mounting towards heaven. The soul of the Little Poor Man was flying to eternal happiness. All Hail, holy Father, light of the world, model of the Friars, mirror of virtue, measurement of behavior; lead us from our bodily exile to heaven, our place. Leader Let us pray : Our Holy seraphic Father Francis, as you blessed all your children of all ages, on the eve of that Saturday, a little while before you left the world, in the name of the crucified Jesus and by His power, look at us gathered around you, to commemorate your death; obtain for us the grace to continue your mission through the ages and give to our fellow brothers the fruits of redemption brought about by Jesus our Lord, God, who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen. 4. THE DEATH OF FRANCIS IS ANNOUNCED TO THE ORDER (All lights are put off, except the candles. During a pause of few minutes the Leader, with he help of a torch, reads the letter of Friar ELIAS, Vicar, announcing the death of the Founder of the three orders.) Leader “To Brother Gregory, beloved in Christ, minister of the brethren in France, and to all of his and our brethren, greetings from brother Elias, a sinner. Before I begin to write, I must give expression to my sorrow, and indeed I have reason to do so. As overflowing waters, so is my grief. For the fear I feared has cone upon me and upon you, and that which I was afraid of has befallen ma and you. The comforter is far from us, and he who carried us like lambs in his arms has departed into a strange and distant country. Beloved of God and men, he has been taken up into brightly shining mansions – he who taught Jacob the law of life and conduct and gave to Israel the covenant of peace. For his sake we should rejoice exceedingly, but for us there must needs be sorrow; without him darkness envelops us, and the shadows of death enshroud us. It is a great loss for all, it is fraught with particular danger for me whom he left behind in the, midst of darkness, oppressed and harried on all sides by countless anxieties. Hence I beseech you, brethren, weep with me who am immersed in deep sorrow. We are orphans without a father; we have lost the light of our eyes. Verify, our Brother and Father Francis was a true light to us, to those near us, and also to those who were not associated with him by vocation and manner of life. He was a light, sent by the true Light, to shine on those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and to guide their feet into the way of peace. This he did in as far as the true Sun; the Orient from on high (that is, Christ) illuminated his heart and inflamed his will. With ardent love he announced the kingdom of God, imbued the children with the thoughts and sentiments of the fathers, taught the incredulous the wisdom of the just, and prepared unto the Lord a perfect people in the whole world. Even to the islands far off, his name went abroad, and all lands praise his wonderful deeds. For this reason, sons and brothers, do not yield to excessive grief, for God the Father of orphans will console us with His holy consolation. When you weep, brethren, weep for yourselves, not over him. Foe we who are sojourning among the living, are in death, whereas he went from death to life. Rejoice since he, another Jacob, blessed all his sons before he was taken from us, and he forgave all of us who may have been guilty of some offence against him in thought or deed. I take this occasion also to communicate to you very joyful news - a new miracle. Never yet has anyone heard of such wondrous signs except in the case of the Son of God, who is Christ the Lord. For, a long time before his death, our Brother and Father Francis was visibly crucified; he bore on his body the five wounds, the genuine stigmata of Christ. His hands and feet were pierced through as by nails; they retained these wounds and showed the black colour of nails. His side was opened as by a lance and bled frequently. As long as his soul still was in the body, he was not handsome of appearance; but his countenance was unattractive, and none of the members of his body was spared acute sufferings. As a result of the contraction of his muscles, his limbs were stiff like those of a dead person. But now that he has died he is lovely to behold, he shines with a wonderful brilliance, and he causes all who look upon him to rejoice. His limbs, formerly stiff, are flexible and can be arranged in any position just as those of a delicate child. Brethren, bless ye, therefore, the God of Heaven, give glory everywhere to him who hath shown mercy to us. Remember our Brother and Father Francis unto the glory of God, who has made him great among men and has exalted him above the angels. Pray for him, as he asked of us, and pray to him that God may grant us His Holy grace even as He granted it to him. On the eve of Sunday, October the fourth, one hour after sunset, our Father and Brother Francis departed from us and went to Christ. When you, dearest Brethren, receive this letter, imitate the people of Israel as they wept over their great leaders, Moses and Aaron. We may permit our tears to flow freely – we who have lost the consolation of such a Father. It is a pious thing to rejoice with Francis, but it is pious also to weep over him. Of a truth it is pious to rejoice with Francis, for, he has not died, since (in the morning) he went away to the market of heaven, carrying with him a purse full of money (his merits), and in the evening he will come back. It is pious to weep over Francis, for, he who went about as did Aaron, who presented to us both new and old gifts out of his treasury, who consoled us in every trial – he has been taken from our midst, and we are orphans without a father. But it is written: to thee is the poor man left: thou will be a helper to the orphan. Most beloved brethren, all of you, pray perseveringly that, after the little earthly vessel has been broken in the vale of the children of Adam, that highest Master – Potterer may provide another new, brightly shining vessel, who will preside over our numerous brotherhood and, like a true Machabean, will lead us on to battle. Since it is not in vain to pray for the dead, pray to the Lord for his soul. Every priest shall read three Masses, every cleric shall pray the Psalter, the lay brothers the Pater Noster five times, and the clerics shall solemnly chant Matins in choir. Amen. Brother Elias, a sinner.” (Lights are put on) (Standing) All Francis poor and humble enters heaven rich in merit, where he is greeted by the joyous hymns of the Angels. Leader Pray for us, O Holy Father Francis All That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Leader Father, the little flock is following you with hesitant steps; our weakened eyes cannot bear the dazzling rays of your perfection. Renew our life as it used to be in the beginning with you, O mirror and model of the perfect; do not suffer us who are like you in our profession, to be unlike you in our life. Remember all your sons and daughters, Father who, surrounded by many difficulties, are following your footsteps, though from a great distance. Give us strength that we may resist. Purify us that we may gleam forth. Give us joy that we may be happy. Pray that the Spirit of grace and prayers be poured upon us, and that we may have the true humility you had. Pray for us that we may observe the poverty you observed, and that we may be filled with the charity, with which you always loved Christ Crucified. Who with the Father and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns world without end. Amen. (2 Cel 21, 224) 5. VENERATION OF THE RELIC (While venerating the Relic a suitable Hymn to St.Francis may be sung).

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