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Thursday, November 21, 2013


INTRODUCTION We come to celebrate a life that is transformed, to produce life in other lives. The birth of Mother Maria Clara do menino Jesus is like the grain of wheat, giving fruit through the strength of the Spirit. The Inner sap, spurring generosity in those who follow her vocation and ideal see the birth of a congregation dedicated to the charism of Hospitality in Joy and Simplicity… But the Deep footprints of the life of Mother Clara even today, challenge us to form the path of the road less traveled for many, who continue her work through the mercy and compassion of God. Only a heart that is poor is available for others. To attend to them, to look after the children, help the elderly, welcome the orphans. This is a job that does not permit this Sister of the poor to rest. “She possessed a tender and kind heart, very compassionate and charitable. It could be said that it was in intimate contact with the heart of Christ”". This morning as we celebrate her birth anniversary let us rejoice as daughters of the one true Mother who has sown in our hearts the divine love for Christ who gave up everything to belong to him. We have a way of Life but she shows us the passion to live it in all its adversaries and in all its goodness. Those who have nothing of their own have to trust in Providence. Precisely, in these extreme situations, the hand of God opens out generously “satiating those who place their trust in Him”. No wonder Mother Clara would exclaim” Nothing happens in this world without divine providence”. We rejoice as Franciscan Hospitallers together with all our sisters all over the world. we also celebrate the feast of the Immaculate Hospitaller, entrusting Mary Our Mother with the missionary zeal to live our common life for the good of the church and society. As Her daughters we try to make this world happy, through the blessings of the Gospel, lived and proclaimed by Jesus in the spirit of the beatitudes of Humanizing Love and Care. The Plan of the Master Weaver Our lives are but fine weavings that God and we prepare, Each life becomes a fabric planned and fashioned in God's care. We may not always see just how the weavings intertwine, But we must trust the Master's hand and follow God's design, For God can view the pattern upon the upper side, While we must look from underneath and trust in God to guide... Sometimes a strand of sorrow is added to the plan, And though it's difficult for us, we still must understand That it's God who fills the shuttle; it's God who knows what's best, So we must weave in patience and leave to God the rest... Not till the loom is silent and the shuttles cease to fly Shall God unroll the canvas and explain the reason why -- The dark threads are as needed in the Weaver's skilful hand As the threads of gold and silver in the pattern God has planned

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