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Saturday, November 30, 2013

A Brief Story OF Sr. Maria Clara do Menino Jesus

Our narration begins here. It is the story of Libânia: June 15, 1843. Nuno Tomaz de Mascarenhas Galvão Mexia de Moura Telles e Albuquerque and Mrs. Maria da Purificação de Sá Carneiro, the parents, in the serenity of deep joy and great love, welcome the birth of the little girl as a priceless gift. Nuno and Emília Carolina had already enriched the family of Quinta do Bosque, na Amadora. Now, the little Libânia bring along new enchantment. If her parents gave her a name among the great, the more important, Baptism confers upon her that of a Christian. In the bosom of her Godmother, D. Libânia do Carmo Abranches Ferreira da Cunha, she receives the lustral water from the hands of the Parish priest, Fr. Jerónimo, on September 2, 1843. The bells of the Church of Nossa Senhora do Amparo, of Benfica, ring and celebrate the entrance of Libânia in the bosom of the Church. Libânia do Carmo grows serenely and harmoniously. The house of the Bosque is very big and witnesses her awakening to life. Everything is novelty and interesting. To read, to count, the catechism classed awakened her curiosity. The family keeps growing. After her came Matilde Henriqueta, Carlos, Henrique ... Ruisinho is about to arrive. Tio João lives with them – and now in Lisbon. It is there that she witnesses his death in 1885 and that of her youngest brother Rui. Pain sown in her adolescent heart. Greater suffering will she face a year after, when the incurable sickness takes her mother and in December 1d857, the epidemic takes away her father. Two months before, she had joined the Boarding of Palácio da Ajuda. The work of the educators, the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent of Paul, of French origin, helps her to get healed of the wounds and to prepare herself to the ups and downs of life. Five years of study, reflection, work and prayer forged her rich personality, newly wounded by the expulsion of her educators, in 1862. She is then determined to accept, the invitation to live with the the Marchioness of Valada, great friends of her parents. Life in Society, by the side of these relatives, occupied all her days. "The youthfulness spent in the splendour of luxury, surrendered to the frivolous pleasures of the world” did not satisfy her well formed heart. It is this restlessness that leads her to the tranquillity of the Boarding of St. Patricio, in Lisbon. There she comes to know Fr. Raimundo dos Anjos Beirão. She opens her heart and places before him her problems… His advice enlightens her path, but feels it is not easy to follow. Society is an obstacle; to overcome them she needs a lot of courage. She breaks off from everything and decides: to consecrate herself to God in the service of the needy. She changes the worldly life for a habit of a poor servant. Gives up the illustrious name and is forever Sr. Maria Clara of the Child Jesus. She follows the Master and Lord who washed the feet of his apostles, welcoming the poor and the forgotten, the sick and the weak, the children and the lonely. For this, she starts the Congregation of the Franciscan Hospitaller Sisters of the Immaculate Conception. It is May 03, 1871. The new way of life keeps on attracting other followers. They are quite a number. She wants the approval from Rome, for this way of living. Exposes the evangelical dream of her heart, draws up plans of mercy, presents her intention of well-being. May the Holy Father bless her resolution of living fraternal life in poverty ... In the slowness of the means of communications of that time, the quickness of the Papal Yes surprises our times. Having requested for it in November 1875, on March 27, 1876 the Congregation is of pontifical right. Those who have nothing of their own have to trust in Providence. Precisely, in these extreme situations, the hand of God opens out generously “satiating those who place their trust in Him”. When dinner time comes – says the Chronicler – there is nothing to eat. Mother Clara, sadly says: “My Sisters, today, Our Lord did not give us anything to prepare the meal with”. Nobody was disturbed and all relished the piece of dry bread. Moments later, there is a knock at the door. A lady sends a basket full of food. Only a heart that is poor is available for others. To attend to them, to look after the children, help the elderly, welcome the orphans is a job that does not permit this Sister of the poor to rest. “She possessed a tender and kind heart, very compassionate and charitable. It could be said that it was in intimate contact with the heart of Christ”". She dedicates her time, care and savings for all. Never does her heart pain as much as when she cannot extend her hand to those who suffer or wipe the tears of those who cry. Her works of beneficence do not choose the place. When called to Africa, they leave happily. The heroic missionary deeds begins by sending Sisters to Angola, in 1883 and later to India, Guiné and Cabo Verde, which is later woven self-sacrifice by generous and faithful hands. The links of courage and joy, of devotion and humanity, of faith and great zeal, interwoven by a thousand dangers and exertions, will offer the people of other places a blanket woven with love and a tent of shelter and hope. A fertile life in her self-gift, opening frontiers to all charity, Sr. Maria Clara moves towards new Easter. In spite of her extraordinary fortitude of soul, with all vitality of the spirit, the signs of her end approach. A sickness that she had for several years, aggravated, without hope of recovery. A cardiac lesion, with added pulmonary congestion, takes her away from this earth. It is on December 01, 1899. To the pain of the Sisters is added that of the poor and the friends. The devout pilgrimage of the faithful lasted for three days. They want to see for the last time, this extremely charitable woman … and ask her from heaven to watch over us. A life that is transformed, to produce life in other lives. The grain of wheat, giving fruit through the strength of the Spirit. Inner sap, spurring generosity in those who follow her ideal … Deep footprints of the life of Mother Clara today, form the path for many, who continue her work. And, the more workers follow her, the more this world will be happy, through the blessing of the Gospel, lived and proclaimed.


  1. Blessed maria clara is really a child of God.Her followers should follow her example.amen

  2. Mary Joseph from Nashik,Maharashtra India.

  3. Sr Maria Clara 🌺 thanks for blessing us all 🙏 and guiding us in our path of life .
