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Friday, November 8, 2013

Human Profile on mother clara

A vocation in the Church and for the Church When in Portugal it invigorated the prohibition of the religious Orders, is born in Lisbon, the 03 of May of 1871, the Congregation of Franciscans the Hospitable Sisters of the Immaculate Conceição. The Spirit of God excited new a charisma one in the Church, through the Foot. Raymond of the Beirão Angels and the Madre Maria Clara of the Boy Jesus, making to appear the Congregation as evangelical reply to the innumerable lacks with that if he debated the Portuguese people. The consequence of the liberal wars, of the bad agricultural years and emigration for the capital, of the lack of benefits and socorros of the clergy and the religious, extinct Orders in Portugal, sowed the misery, translated the organdie, the illness, the illiteracy, the familiar disaggregating, the forsaken and enslaved proletariat. “To make the good where it will have the good to make”, to become visible in the world the divine Mercy, to serve the sofredora humanity, of preference poor, it was practical of the Founders, for the exercise of the Hospitality, through the Workmanships of Mercy, according to Spirit of the Wells-being. Fast and for the numerous flow of vocations, the Sisters had fulled the country with its work in schools, boarding schools of poor children, homes of aged, hospitals, nursing the domicile, etc… As part of a Church missionary, in 1883, the Sisters had also left for the Missions: Angola, first e, successively, India, Guiné and Cabo Verde. Spread, today in 14 countries, the spirit of the origins, they keep similar workmanships to the first ones. In communion with the Church and predictive reply to the challenges of the times, they become shelter and service, next to who more needs.

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