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Monday, November 25, 2013

BLESSED ARE THE MERCIFUL, for they will be shown mercy

Intro Today we shall reflect on the beatitude of mercy. This is an outward characteristic of our human personality. To be merciful is an attitude when our heart goes out to the other. it is an active love that gives us definition and precision to be for the other. a mother is merciful to her child in sickness or in any weakness. . A teacher is merciful to her students who have less opportunities God is merciful to his creation so how true is this beatitude BLESSED ARE THE MERCIFUL, for they will be shown mercy. Who are the merciful in this world? The merciful are those who recognize their own sinfulness and inadequacies and thus are willing to forgive others. This is an outward grace towards others to feel empathy in the right sense, with your attitude to feel for others in their sufferings and struggles Jesus is the one example for forgiveness to reconcile us to himself and to God and to the world Let us hear the words of Jesus on the Cross for each one of us We are the ones who still scourge him with the words of hatred We nail him to the stubbornness and hardness of our lives where we don’t’ want to change. We crown him with our unforgiveness, envy and jealousy He is thirsty for each of us. Can we quench his thirst with the water of forgiveness. Hymn Father forgive them they do not know what they do Father forgive them they do not know how much they hurt me Father forgive them they do not know how sad I am today Here I stand beneath your cross O Jesus and I pray Father forgive them Your blood flowing down from your wounds shall flow into my hurting wounds Soothing the bruises still bleeding I am reaching out to you my Lord with tears that are welling in my eyes I am holding to your body that’s wounded my recent rebels, my heat in pain swells Give me the power to pray your prayer Ch I forgive ( 4) In your name I forgive (3) All those who hurt me all those who broke me In your name I forgive (3) Being merciful is a call to forgiveness • Against keeping grudges and vengeance • responding to the call to heal wounds and soothe pain • the spirit of the “Lord’s Prayer” (Luke 6:36).The mercy of God is the source of motivation to show mercy to others (Mat. 18:21-35).Mercy (in part) is demonstrated by our willingness to forgive It is a contradiction for the Christian to receive God’s mercy and then turn around and show no mercy towards others! Only those who are merciful will receive mercy (Mat 18:34-35; 5:8). James 2:13 For judgment will be merciless to one who has shown no mercy; mercy triumphs over judgment. Isaiah says in verse _15 When you spread out your hands in prayer, I will hide my eyes from you; even if you offer many prayers, I will not listen. Your hands are full of blood; 16 wash and make yourselves clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight! Stop doing wrong, 17 learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow. 18 "Come now, let us reason together," says the LORD. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. 19 If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the best from the land; Hymn There are times when I have wandered, there are days so steeped in sin, there are times when I have floundered, For there’s darkness deep within. Now’s the time for my returning Far from you I ‘ve strayed away, for your love my heart is longing and that time must be today. Ch Come back my love you call me, come back to me and stay My heart is full of mercy for the sinner who goes astray All the past is now forgotten and with you a new day dawns Though your heart my sin has broken, yet your love goes on and on And I try to hide my feelings, though I know where I belong, Of your love my heart keeps singing in a never ending song For the sins I had committed all my tear have washed away in your love I have confided, in your arms you let me stay but the world keeps always judging, for my heart it does not see only you with eyes so searching see the change of heart in me As Mother Clara would say – • “Suffer one another with charity without being astonished at the defects of your brothers and sisters”. • “ Do not interpret anything badly but take everything in good faith” • “ Mother Clara had a special tenderness for not only her daughters but also the children whom she cared with great love and mercy” Washing of the feet An act resembling the Maundy Thursday gospel to forgive and to seek forgiveness from one another. “Let us approach the tabernacle often conversing with Jesus. Let us consult him and learn of him to forgive and forget offences”. “By the grace of the Holy spirit those who use mercy become in the world of today a sacramental sign transmitting life, love and salvation”. Hymn Gentle woman, quiet light, morning star so strong and bright Gentle mother peaceful dove, teach us wisdom teach us love You were chosen by the father, You were chosen for the Son You were chosen from all women and for women shining one

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