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Friday, November 29, 2013

BLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS, for they will be called children of God.

Today we have once more gathered together to reflect on a beatitude which is the answer to a world of terrorism, hatred, religious fundamentalism and war. We are also here to begin the wonderful season of Advent in preparation for the coming of the prince of Peace, Jesus The Lord of Lords let us welcome him in our midst . Let us now invite Sr _________ to light the first candle of Advent as we begin our prayer with a hymn. 1. O come, divine Messiah! The world in silence waits the day when hope shall sing its triumph, And sadness flee away. Ch Dear Savior haste; Come, come to earth, Dispel the night and show your face, And bid us hail the dawn of grace. 2. O Christ, whom nations sigh for, whom priest and prophet long foretold, Come break the captive fetters; redeem the long-lost fold. 3. You come in peace and meekness, and lowly will your cradle be; all clothed in human weakness Shall we your Godhead see. The season of Advent is here… to begin a new life Light looked down and beheld Darkness. “Here will I go," said Light. Peace looked down and beheld War.” Here will I go," said Peace. Love looked down and beheld Hatred.” Here will I go," said Love. So came Light and shone. So came Peace and gave rest. So came Love and brought Life. --Laurence Housman Event after event has left the world questioning Why all the pain and strife? Where has peace been lost, Let us find peace before we lose our world… Why the slaughter of the innocents? Why troubles and sorrows?" It is getting darker and colder all the time. The sun is setting, the darkness is falling, and the world is looking for some ray of peace… …That peace is here. On that special night, God gave us the greatest gift anyone could give--His Son, Jesus. Though Jesus came into the world as a tiny baby, He brought with Him all of God's wonderful gifts. As He grew older, He unwrapped these gifts for us, one by one, as He taught us how to love God and each other. Then, when Jesus died for us, He gave us the greatest gift of all--the promise of eternal life in Heaven when our time on Earth is done. Two thousand years ago, over the town of Bethlehem, a new star shone and an angel of God proclaimed to a group of shepherds, "Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord" (Luke 2:10-11). Jesus wants to bring His peace to the hearts of all men everywhere. He sees the misery and grief and pain of the heavy-hearted. He sees the weak and the weary. He sees those who struggle with fear--fear of the past, and fear of the future. He sees the persecuted and war-torn, those who have been robbed of hope and a chance to live in peace. He hears our cries and reaches out to us in love. He offers us a way out, an escape route from our inner conflicts, fears, and sense of hopelessness. "Let not your heart be troubled," He tells us. "You believe in God, believe also in Me" (John 14:1). "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you" (John 14:27). “In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world" (John 16:33). If you will reach out your hand to Him now, He will lead you through the darkness and into the light. Jesus came into this world to offer you life and love and peace that know no boundaries. These gifts are not limited by race or religious background or color or creed. They are for now and forever. Who are the Peacemakers on this earth? They are more than just being peace lovers • They work not just for the absence of conflict but for authentic justice and harmony Peacemakers are the ones who Are peaceful from within • Who promote conditions or situations for real peace • Who promote love of enemies and are agents of reconciliation Peacemakers “Give peace a chance!” They create and develop the right relationships to promote justice and a better world to live in with freedom and respect and equality. They work for peace, reconciliation and justice in the world recognizing every person as a child of God. “Peace is the true prize of souls who serve the Lord well in this world and the secure path to eternal glory”. “True peace of soul is what gives us strength and courage in the midst of the sacrifices of our life”.“Without union, there is no peace”. “Serenity of spirit (Peace) is not acquired without interior struggle, but it is the sure path to eternal glory”. Jesus, the Prince of Peace, will not only give you peace in your heart here and now, but when this life is over, He will bring you to His haven of rest. In His heavenly Kingdom there will be no more oppression or war or poverty or pain or sickness or suffering or sorrow or death, but only peace and plenty for all. There evil and darkness dare not go! Jesus is reaching out to you now. Won't you take His peace? Let us welcome the Christ child in our midst and let us express to him our deepest sentiment of peace and love as we pass the statue of Baby Jesus around to venerate the coming of his kingdom Let the Prince of Peace give you His perfect peace. Let the truth and love He brought that first Christmas shine in your heart now. Let Him wipe away your fears and tears and let His love warm your Christmas! LIGHT OF THE WORLD, You stepped down into darkness, Opened my eyes, let me see Beauty that made this heart adore You, Hope of a life spent with you. So here I am to worship, Here I am to bow down, Here I am to say that You're my God; And You're altogether lovely, Altogether worthy, Altogether wonderful to me. King of all days, Oh so highly exalted, Glorious in heaven above; Humbly You came To the earth You created, All for love's sake became poor. And I'll never know how much it cost, to see my sin upon that cross.

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