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Sunday, November 24, 2013

BLESSED ARE THE MEEK, for they will inherit the land.

The Beatitude calls us to reflect on a four letter word MEEK. As we open the dictionary of life, we see this word being described by many people. Let us see today how Mother Clara will lead us to master this beatitude which is an inward quality of person. To differentiate and define meekness is difficult, but when you experience a meek person you know, this is the one. Close your eyes and imagine a meek person you have seen in your life, you surely will be able to count it on your finger. Meekness is a rare commodity in the quality of human beings, yet we will surely find one. First let us look to the gospels. Let us look at Jesus who had the courage to say I am the meek Lamb of God The person who is poor in spirit, will also be “meek.” Matthew 5:5 blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.” What is meekness? Meekness is more than just being gentle or considerate it also has to do with having your strength under control. Allow yourself to be under God’s control! Meekness towards God is the act of depending upon God for our salvation. Who are the meek in the eyes of God? The meek are the humble, the lowly, & the gentle • whose attitude is: “In God’s eyes I am nothing, I have nothing, all that I have belongs to God.” • the opposite of the self-righteous • those who recognize a power beyond themselves Who are the meek in the eyes of the world? The meek are those who do not see the need for vengeance or revenge • whose general attitude is one of silent endurance • Who enjoys in the praise of the other with no jealousy or envy and ready to give and accept praises They recognize their own “littleness” in the eyes of God, so they have really nothing to be proud of.Towards others they are understanding, patient, & kind.With a greater acceptance and readiness to forgive and respect with love In coming to God, one must totally surrender self and totally submit to His will, and this requires a meek attitude. Romans 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. (2 Peter 3:13). Only the meek shall “inherit the earth” where righteousness dwells Hymn p Jesus meek and humble of heart, make my heart like yours 1. Come to me you who are heavily laden and I will give you rest Take my yoke and learn from me I am meek and humble of heart 2. Come to me you who are thirsting for water and I will give you drink Come and stay beneath my cross from my heart flow living streams 3. Follow me why do you walk in the darkness when I’m the light of life? Come to where my Father dwells I’m the Way the Truth and the Life JESUS is meek, is gentle and kind, and exhibits a docility to the Spirit. Obedience and submission to the will of God are the response to the Abba’s love, and thus He was ready to die on the cross to save the world. This meekness brings peace in this world. And thus Jesus took possession of this world Look at the sheep in the field, look at the dove in the sky, look at the fish in the water, none are in extinction, since all have accepted one another and proved to be a symbol of meekness “Be good to one another; receive everything as coming from the hands of God who permits everything for our good”. This is an inward character to be defined Patience, gentleness, respect and humility It is an inward harmony of accepting one’s self and others Let us examine our selves Like a dove as a symbol of gentleness and patience Are we patient with our selves, with our short comings? And do we apply the same scale for others? Have we gentleness in our seeing, hearing, speaking, doing or walking And are we gentle with the life of the other especially in our profession? Like a sheep with respect for one another Do we respect our body, our feelings, our intelligence, our spirituality? And are we tolerant to respect others with their views and ideas? Like the fish as a symbol of humility Are we humble to accept that we do not know everything in our lives sometimes facts about our very own selves? And do we have the courage to praise the missing in our lives as we see it complete in the other? Mother Clara speaks of patience, respect gentleness and humility the mixture of meekness in the words of the beatitudes. Hymn I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever in a city where there comes no night 1.The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want, daily he supplies every need though I walk in the valley or in blue green pastures and will let no harm befall me Goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever in a city where there comes no night (2) 2.The Lord looks with favour on the humble of heart; He marks down the proud from afar, though I live in the midst of affliction and trials, He preserves my life against my foes. 3.In the presence of the angels I will bless you O Lord, and adore before your holy temple, on the days I called He answered my cry, He increased the strength of my soul

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