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Monday, November 11, 2013


PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS MONDAY O Jesus, Good Shepherd, Accept our praise and humble thanks for all the vocations which through your spirit you have continually given your church. Assist all Bishops , Priests, Missionaries and all consecrated persons: let them be example of a truly evangelical life. Watch over the youth in our families and our communities: grant them promptitude and generosity in following You. Direct your glance on them today and deign to call them. Given all those called the strength to abandon all for your love and choose you and you alone. Harken to our prayers O Christ, through the intercession of Mary Your Mother and Queen of the Apostles PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS TUESDAY Lord, Jesus, like young Francis, I wish to repeat, in the sincerity of my heart; “what do you want to do?” give me light to discern Your will and set out on the journey. Following the example of Francis, I want to be Poor, simple, Transparent, and a sister to all. Reveal Your will to me and give me the grace to be available, open and generous. Make me an instrument of your peace, the herald of your love. Amen. PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS WEDNESDAY Mary , immaculate Hospitaller, mother of all men, Virgin of the Fiat, our lady of the wayside, intercede for me together with your Son Jesus I Feel called to the ideal of Raimundo and Clara, Behold me Mother! I place my budding vocation, in your hospitaller heart. It needs water, light and the sun to grow. I am a little flower that is blooming and You are the rose that perfumes the garden of Heaven, take me, hospitaller mother accept and shelter me in your virginal bosom as You held Jesus, I want to belong to Him only. Under your protection I will be safe, learn to love and “ Do good where there is good to be done”. PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS THURSDAY Lord Jesus, You have told us that the harvest is great but the workmen are few, and that we should pray that laborers be sent into your harvest. We pray that Christian families, alive with the spirit of faith, love and prayer and that Parishes and School active centers of Christian life, be the fertile soil in which vocations may flourish. May your spirit help those you choose to recognize your call and willingly answer it. That they may continue your mission of sanctifying the world, of preaching the Good news to the poor of celebrating the Eucharist and of sustaining the people of God. Amen. PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS FRIDAY O Jesus, as you walked by the sea of Galilee where peter and Andrew, James and John were busy with their daily lives you saw the countless souls they could bring to know and love you. You said, “ come follow me”, and immediately they left all they had – home, family and possessions to go with you wherever You would lead them. Look with same love today on many generous young men and women in Your Church. Invite them also to follow you and share your sacred mission. Mary, Mother of the Church, obtain for us many good and Holy vocations. PRAYERS FOR VOCATIONS SATURDAY O Holy family of Nazareth, community of love of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, model and ideal of every Christian family, to you we entrust our families. Open the heart of every family, to the welcoming Word of God, to Christian witness, so that it becomes the source of new and holy vocations. Touch the hearts of parents, so that with prompt charity, wise care and loving devotion they are for their sons and daughters sure guides to spiritual and eternal values. Stir up in the hearts of young people the generosity to happily welcome the gift of a divine vocation.

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