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Friday, November 22, 2013

Prayer Asking For The Canonization Of Mother Maria Clara Of The Child Jesus

Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, for your greater honour and glory, for the good of the Church and the world, deign to glorify here on earth your servant Mother Maria Clara of the Child Jesus who in her life time dedicated herself to care of the children the poor and all those who suffered. Adorn her Lord with the aureole of glory, which the Holy Church places before us as models of virtue to imitate and listen to supplication, which through her intercession we address to you granting us the grace we ask for. To You all honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen. Novena THROUGH THE INTERCESSION OF MADRE MARIA CLARA DO MENINO JESUS 1° Day To You all honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen. Lord God, You who “sustain those who fear You and will never forget Your covenant” (Ps 110),grant that we may seek You with our whole heart and with firmness in faith. Through the intercession of Your Servant, Mother Clara, teach us to raise our eyes to You and trust fully in Your mercy. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, As it was in the beginning is now, ever shall be, forever and ever. Amen. Lord Jesus, You who have said “Come to me all you who labour and are burdened, and I will give you rest” (Mt 11:28) look upon the weight of our faults and deliver us from all evil. Through the intercession of Your Servant, who found in You, strength and comfort in tribulations, open Your heart to our prayer and grant us what we ask for. Glory be to the Father… Lord, You whose fidelity was evident in the life of Your Servant, Mother Clara, by nourishing her in Faith, Hope and Charity, sustain us with Your power, so that, like her, we may motivate all our works with a great spirit of faith and sacrifice and may accept Your will in the present situation. Our Father... Glory be to the Father... To You all honour and all glory... 2ยบ Day To You all honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen. Lord, Father and Creator, who “knows the inmost of our being and observe all our steps” (Ps.138), do not permit that we may withdraw from your presence, for, without You we can do nothing: help us with Your grace and come to our rescue in the present need. Glory be to the Father… Lord Jesus, You have said: “ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened” (Mt 7:7). Through the humble and supplicant heart of Your Servant, Mother Clara, we knock at Your door. Having recourse to the infinite goodness of Your Heart, in it we seek remedy in our affliction. Glory be to the Father… Lord, in whom Mother Clara gave herself in filial trust, like a child in the arms of her Mother, we give to you this preoccupation of ours, believing like her, that, “a Providential Glance of God watches over us”. Our Father... Glory be to the Father... To You all honour and all glory... 3° Day To You all honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen. Lord, Holy Father, who "protect the simple and save the feeble" (Ps. 114) give us a heart that Is able to have pity on those who are weak and needy. In the example of Your Servant, Mother Clara who dedicated herself so much to the care of the poor, the children and those who suffer, deliver us from our egoism and grant that we may dedicate our lives to works that are pleasing to You. Glory be to the Father… Lord Jesus, You who have said: "whatever you do to the least of these, you do it unto Me" (Mt. 25:45), guide our actions in favour of the needy so that, seeing You in them, we may also merit to be attended to in our present need. Glory be to the Father… You, who through the word of Mother Clara ask us: "to practise charity with the greatest perfection", give us strength and courage to live a life that is more in conformity with the commandment of love. Through the intercession of Your Servant, turn towards us Your glance, and grant us the grace we ask for. Our Father... Glory be to the Father... To You all honour and all glory... 4° Day To You all honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen. Lord, "You who are the Sun and Shield, and do not refuse anything, to those who walk uprightly" (Ps 84) let the light of Your face, shine upon us. Just as You illuminated and strengthened Your Servant, Mother Clara, enliven our spirit to act righteously and never to drift away from Your path. Glory be to the Father… Lord Jesus, You who have said: "He who wishes to be the first among you, will be the servant of all" (Mt. 23:11) look upon the witness of life of Your Servant who served everyone through self-forgetfulness. In Your example awaken in us, the spirit of helping all those who are in need. Glory be to the Father… Holy Father, You who "are pleased with the efforts of the humble and of all those who work with love and for love", accept our struggles, our works and the desire of loving and serving You. In virtue of the merits of Your Servant, listen to Your petitions and grant us the joy of obtaining Your graces. Our Father... Glory be to the Father... To You all honour and all glory... 5° Day To You all honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen. Lord, "You grant us life and complete what You have begun with our help" (Ps. 137). Through your goodness, do not abandon the work of Your hands, shower upon us the blessing of salvation and peace and grant us the grace which we ask you at this hour. Glory be to the Father… Lord Jesus Christ, You who have said: " He who remains faithful till the end, will be saved" (Mt. 24:13), remind us of Your fidelity and do not permit us to be shaken due to our weakness and discouragement. Through the intercession of Your Servant, Mother Clara, who never gave in to discouragement in prayer, in the good to be done and in all the adversities, come to our aid and give heed to our prayers. Glory be to the Father… Lord, You who encourage us with the words of Mother Clara "do not be overcome by difficulties", grant that, in Your example, fighting the good fight, we may remain faithful and accept with serenity the designs of your will. Our Father... Glory be to the Father... To You all honour and all glory... 6° Day To You all honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen. Lord our God "Many and marvellous are the wonders you work upon us" (Ps. 39). Through the intercession of Your Servant, Mother Clara, through whom You revealed to many Your love, give heed to our prayer, and once again manifest Your goodness, granting us the grace we ask for. Glory be to the Father… Lord Jesus, You who ask us "Be perfect as Your heavenly Father is perfect" (Mt. 5:48), enkindle in us the desire to imitate You. In the example of Mother Clara who filing the edges of her defects, went on perfecting herself ever more, grant us a good heart and the grace of obtaining what we ask of You. Glory be to the Father… Lord, You who motivated Mother Clara to live with an ever grateful heart, advising us to "be generous towards You, as You have been generous towards us", through Your intercession, listen to our supplication in Your great generosity. Our Father... Glory be to the Father... To You all honour and all glory... 7° Day To You all honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen. Lord, You who "save the humble people and are the protector of those who place their trust in You" (Ps. 17) instil in us the spirit of humility. Through the total surrender lived by Your Servant Mother Clara, who hoped for everything from Your hands, increase our trust in Your Fatherly love. Glory be to the Father… Lord Jesus, You who have said: "He who exalts, will be humbled and he who humbles himself will be exalted" (Mt. 23:12) for the love with which Your Servant bore the most excruciating humiliations, make us understand that, true glory lies in Your Cross. Glory be to the Father… You who encourage us by the simple and humble life of Your Servant, Mother Clara, who never excused herself and never spoke ill of anyone, through her intercession, turn your glance upon our petitions and listen to our prayer. Our Father... Glory be to the Father... To You all honour and all glory... 8° Day To You all honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen. Lord, You "are good and patient, teach us Your paths and guide us in Your truth" (Ps. 24). Through your mercy and fidelity, protect us from the snares of evil, in order to journey in Your presence. Glory be to the Father… Lord Jesus, You have said: "All those who do the will of my Father, are brother, my sister and my mother (Mt. 12:50) help us to faithfully fulfil that which you ask of us. In attention to the fidelity with which Mother Clara followed the Gospel, grant that we may conform our lives to Your life. Glory be to the Father… Lord, confiding in the word of Your Servant, Mother Clara "If we allow divine will to reign over ours, God will fill us with blessings and will make us experience His peace", exercise upon us, your rights of a Father and take possession of our hearts. Through the intercession of Your Servant, who lived the peace of Your will, shower Your blessings upon us and grant us the grace we ask for. Our Father... Glory be to the Father... To You all honour and all glory... 9° Day To You all honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen. Lord "those who love Your law, live in great peace and nothing worries them" (Ps. 118). Blessed be God for Your Word, which fills us with joy and peace that, radiates from those who live it whole heartedly. Grant us the peace, which the world cannot give, and the grace to always accept Your will. Glory be to the Father… Lord Jesus, You have said: "I give you my peace, my peace I give you" (Mt. 14:27) grant that we may live in peace and extend to all our pardon. Through the intercession of Mother Clara, who was solicitous in spreading Peace and Goodwill, peacemakers, make us meek in order that we may resemble Your Most Holy Heart, ever more. Glory be to the Father… Lord, You comfort us with the word of Mother Clara "the true peace of soul, gives us strength and courage in the midst of the sacrifices of life", encourage us with Your grace in the problems of this hour and through the intercession of Your Servant, grants us what we ask for. Our Father... Glory be... To You all honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen.

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