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Friday, November 8, 2013

Begining the novena to Blessed Maria Clara

Today we have gathered here for a special purpose we are beginning the 9 days of Spiritual preparation to celebrate the feast of our foundress .Mother Clara on 1st of December.  You may wonder who this saintly person is? She is our foundress, who founded our congregation .In the year 1871, 3rd May in Lisbon Portugal. She is on the way to become saint. The Vatican church as declared her, venerable, which means human and spiritual values, which she practiced, are recognized by the church as holy and everyone can pray to her for favors and graces. Through her intercession, we obtain them.  Let us question our hearts and minds and the express to the Holy Presence of our triumphant God by singing the bajan. I request to each one of you to repeat the bajan. Bajan: Abba my Father, come and dwell in me. Silence ( 1 – 2 minutes) Let us now prayerfully follow her life on the screen.  Mother Clara was born in 1843. She was baptized as “Libania”  In 1846 she lost the tender love of her parents and become orphaned.  She was adapted by her Ant.Marquises of Valada, came to live in a palace. She had an independent spirit. She was accepted, admired, and loved. Very early, she understood the human sufferings and vein glory of material things. Being an independent person, it was a struggle to make the decision. She listens, interiorizes and prayers. Her doubts:- will she succeed than she realizes when the efforts is great and the grace of God acts dreams becomes life.  She led to conclude that is everything in the world is fragile, accidental, and illusory an energetic character of 26 years of age. She leaves all she possesses knowing that another mission awaits her and gives up all her luxurious dresses and takes up the religious Habits.  She changed her name to Maria Clara.  She was Spiritually profound and strong even as a young woman.  She was meek, understanding and tender every virtue was firmly penetrating her soul.  “She was a sister to the poor” o “Where there is good to be done do it” was her motto. o She attended the poor . o Took care of Children. o Looked after the orphaned. o Sheltered the aged. o Treated the sick. o With all compassion she sympathized with the weaknesses and misery of another in all charity to help.  One could say “her hearts was in touch with the heart of Christ” o She follows the gospel to serve the little one’s. o She satisfied the hunger of 10,000/- of poor people by giving soup daily. o She educated 100’s of children. o And looked after the elderly with love and compassion. o With out show, going almost unperceived she leaves the perfume of her good works. o To all she dedicates her time, care, good will and saving. o Extra – ordinary love for children. o She sees so many children orphaned in the street, but does not questioned the egoism, exploitation (or) over whelming injustice. She has but one objective.  To welcome  Teach  Direct  Give Bread  Love  Dignity  God was winning a place in her soul at every steps of her life. • She draw strength from God the Father, her Spouse, Jesus Christ and the Spirit.  As respond to God for our great Founders let us sing Hymn No.D:89 • Now we Pray the Novena with great devotion.

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