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Friday, November 8, 2013


Dear FRIEND, You have been hand-picked to respond to this simple questionnaire. Your responses will be used to write a book on the life, works and continuing legacy of Mother Maria Clara do Menino Jesus. Therefore, kindly respond to this questionnaire freely, creatively, succinctly, yet diligently. All the best! Guidelines: a. This questionnaire may either be administered to you by an astute interviewer or you may choose to respond to it in writing. In either case, kindly read the entire questionnaire fully. b. In case your responses are in writing, let them be brief, preferably using the suggested word limit [WL]. c. The words within brackets () are meant to assist you in understanding the question. They are not meant to be answered as separate questions. d. The words in bold highlight the theme of a given question. e. While responding, feel free to narrate life experiences, anecdotes, accounts heard from your superiors/companions and words attributed to Mother Maria Clara. f. Please mention proper names (persons and places) in full and in correct spelling. QUESTIONNAIRE Mode of Response to Questionnaire:   Self-administered/ in Writing  Administered by Interviewer 1. What is your name? 2. How are you associated with the CONFHIC? (aspirant, novice, sister…) OR A FASFHIC 3. Which Province/ COUNTRY do you belong to? (Please mention community name and location) 4. Through what branch of service do you perform your apostolate? (check one of the 14 branches of service mentioned. If among others, please specify) Category I Category II Category III Category IV  House of Formation  Social Work  Health Centre  High School  Pastoral Work  Children’s Home  Hospital  Middle School  Sisters & Residents  Home for Elderly  Clinic  Boarding  School for Mentally Challenged  School for Nursing  Other ………………… 5. Can you share about your first personal encounter with Mother Maria Clara? [WL: 200 words] 6. How do you see Mother Maria Clara live through the apostolate you represent? (Conversely, do you recall any part of the Mother’s life that reflects how she lived out your chosen apostolate?) [WL: 150 words]. 7. Narrate one experience from your work where YOU have personally witnessed the living presence of Mother Maria Clara or have been inspired to act as per the way Mother has shown? (E.g. she was humble, loving, tender, pro-poor…). [WL: 500 words] 8. What is the most sterling aspect of the Mother’s life (according to you) that you would like to share with a friend? (WL: 150 words) 9. Describe the milieu (personal, socio-political, cultural, economic challenges) in which you are exercising your apostolate today. Then mention what Mother Maria Clara is asking you to do in your apostolate today. (Is she challenging you? Is she guiding you? What would she do in your place?) [WL: 700 words] (Kindly refer to the Annexure – it contains an imaginary situation each for Category I, II, III and IV. Choose the situation pertaining to the Category you belong. The given situation stimulates you to respond to this question. You are urged to respond to this question while narrating a real-life situation of your own. It may be interesting to note that your responses will be used in the proposed book using the same writing style that has been employed in narrating the situation/s found in the Annexure.) 10. Now that Mother Maria Clara is on her way to being declared a saint, what would you like to pray to her? (Please keep in mind the life of Mother and the needs of your apostolate.) [WL: 100 words] 11. Please feel free to elaborate on any special favor you may have received through the exclusive intercession of Mother Maria Clara. [WL: 50 words] |End of Questionnaire

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