Invitatory: The Lord has been infinitely good to us and brought us to the dawn of this day. Let us offer our praises to him as we listen to the invitatory psalm.
(Music from cassette)
It is always appropriate to give thanks to God, but especially so on the occasion of a birthday. The birthday celebration provides an opportunity for acknowledging and giving thanks to God as the author and giver of life.
Each year as we celebrate another birthday we recall the gift of life which we have received from God. This day we give thanks for our parents and all those who have loved, nourished, and taught us of God’s Love.
Each child that is born is a gift from God who created every person in His own image and likeness breathing His own life into us. Thus, we share God’s own life. Everyone is born for a purpose. God has a plan for each one of us and every one of us to play a definite role in His plan of love. This morning is a joyful one because it has a message to give and recall the mystery of life that came into this world. We thank our gracious Father in a very special way for Sr…. who celebrates her birthday today.
HYMN : (Can be any hymn or from Cassette)
Thanksgiving for the gift of life (Can be prayed by birthday Sister)
Blessed be the name of God Almighty who has created life for his pleasure and glory. Blessed be God who formed me in the womb and knew me before I came into being. Blessed be the great gift of life which I enjoy thanks to the care of my parents who brought me up by God's will.
Lord my God, author and preserver of life: I thank you for allowing me to exist, I thank you for having created me out of nothing and for making me a unique being, full of gifts that reflect your image. I am sorry Lord that I have not lived according to your desires but according to my weak sinful nature. I repent of my past life and I consecrate to you my life anew to thrive in your Presence and in the designs of your Holy Will.
Thank you Lord for the world, this wonderful stage of life which you present to us daily.
I thank you Lord for the lives of all my brothers and sisters both alive and dead. They will be my company in eternity before the vision of your Glory. Thank you Lord for the gift of innocent life which has been wasted because of our negligence, please forgive us Lord for our sins.
Thank Lord you for all the elements that accompany us and permit our existence. Thank you Lord for the air that we breath, for the blood that runs through our veins, thank you Lord for the gift of time and space. Thank you for the wonderful universe that is beyond our comprehension, for the stars, the planets and the constellations.
Thank you for our intelligence, for the gifts that you have bestowed upon every one of us. Thank you Lord because you call us your children even though we do not deserve that title.
Thank you Lord because " I am who I am because You are who you are ".
Prayer of Faithful (spontaneous by Srs.)
Final Prayer
Today we want to thank you, Lord
For your love, mercy, and kindness which sustained our life on earth. He supplies our Physical, Spiritual, and financial needs (Phil 4:19,20)
For your great faithfulness, even though we are faithless sometimes (2 Tim 2:13)
For protecting us from our enemies. For being our refuge (Psalm: 9:9)
For preventing us from killing our enemies due to our anger. (1Samuel 25:33,34)
For making your strength available to us in our suffering times which You turned into growing time.
For giving us good Congregation, Church, church fathers, parents and friends.
You forgave our sins, healed our diseases, redeemed us from death, crowned us with love and compassion, satisfied our desires, and gave righteousness and justice (Ps 103: 1-5)
You owned us in our trouble. You are with us by the influence of your Holy Spirit both on minds giving comforts and on the minds of those concerned with, giving us favor in their eyes.
You gave us satisfaction in Jesus.
You raised us out of nothing to abundance.
Bless us and help us Lord to live our Lives for you and Bless Sr. … and keep her under your loving protection, we make this prayer …
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