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Friday, October 10, 2014


THE VOICE OF JESUS.-My child, after the scourging, while My whole body was drip­ping with blood, behold the soldiers led Me into the courtyard of the governor's residence, and there, gathered together were the whole band.

And plaiting a crown of thorns, they placed it cruelly upon My head, and put a reed in My right hand.

And they came one by one, and bending their knee before Me, they mocked me; and rising They toolk the reed and struck My head so that the points of the thorns pierced My head on every side.

Now, My child, My suffering had come to an unutterable excess and even to My last sigh, as long as the crown remained, where they to go on with ever-increasing violence.

Behold, I dragged Myself, My limbs worn, My joints bruised, all My senses sickly, weary, and, though the excess of pain, hardly under My control.

From the soles of My feet, even to the top of My head, there was in Me no soundness, neither within nor without.

My child, you will never perfectly understand these torments of My Passion until you suffer similar ones, when you feel your body writhing with pain, and your soul undone by afflictions. When man is despoiled of fortune, reputation or other external possessions, it is hard, indeed, and distressing to nature; but it is much harder and much more distressful to be tortured by the pains of bodily ailments.

For in these outward things, by greatness of soul, with the aid of grace, a person can raise himself so far as either to forget or not to heed the cause and effect of his troubles; but in bodily ailments, he cannot avoid feeling that which he feel, and whatever he may do, al­ways and everywhere he has his aching self with him.

However, if sickness is the greater pain, it procures also greater advantages for him that suffers rightly.

Let it be your chief care to endure the same with a heart well disposed, and to follow there­in, as much as you can, the dispositions of My Heart.

And first, when you feel any indisposition, accept it as a dispensation of the love of My Heart, and say, at least interiorly: "Blessed be the Lord, because He has visited His servant!" And although you feel that you do so only with difficulty, do not neglect it; for you will thereby more easily overcome reluctant nature, and gain more merit.

Next, resign yourself to the divine will in the best manner you are able, and renew this holy resignation as frequently as possible, being assured that you shall derive the greatest strength and comfort.

Afterwards, unite your sufferings with Mine, and do this by repeated acts, for various ends which your need, advantage, or even your piety may suggest.

By this divine union, overflowing with the function of grace, your affliction will be soothed, and will become for you lighter and sweeter.

Lastly, to help you to persevere and to possess your soul in peace, constantly withdraw, as far as possible, your attention, and even your thoughts, from the causes of your sufferings and from the sufferings themselves; direct your mind to My example and the unconquerable patience of the Saints; and think how boundless, how sweet a reward you shall obtain in heaven, unless you lose it by voluntary impatience.

Meanwhile, since you need much grace, and by yourself can do nothing profitable according to your strength, persist in prayer, especially in short and fervent terms: "Behold, Lord, he whom You did love even to death is sick... Lord, grant me patience. Give me resignation. Grant me to be united with You unto the end."

And if your infirmity increases, you will ex­hibit a conduct most worthy of a disciple of My Heart, if you do actually offer to Me your body as a living victim, and accept death at the time and in the manner that may be most pleas­ing to Me.

Know that whatsoever you may do to the contrary, you shall occasionally be in­ clined to dejection of spirit. Remember that this is the effect of sickly and languishing nature, whereby you should not at all be made uneasy. Only take care that you do not yield to it, or indulge in it of your own accord. For by giving scope and indulgence to it, you would both increase your suffering and render your heart ill-disposed.

If at any time your suffering and anguish should bring you so far as to be hardly able to use the powers of your soul with conscious­ness, remain quietly in My arms; neither en­deavor, with violence or anxiety, to excite with­in you any acts or affections, but be satisfied with remaining calmly resigned to Me.

Blessed is he that in sickness adheres perse­veringly to the saving will of My Father! For so long as he is united to the divine good plea­sure, he repose upon My Heart, and all is safe.

My child, do not be despondent in mind, nor feel distressed on account of the greatness or the length of your sufferings; remember that several of the Saints dragged out a life amidst the pains of sickness, and thereby sanctified themselves because they were resigned; and re­flect that however great and lasting your pain may be, it is as nothing compared to the un­measured and ever-enduring joy whereby your patience shall be rewarded in heaven.

Call to mind that My torments and My mar­tyrdom lasted as long as My life; and remem­ber that 1 endured all this willingly for love of you. By these things you shall be much assisted, to bear with constancy your afflictions for love of Me.

Show not yourself voluntarily peevish or im­patient toward those who take care of you. Your illness will often make them appear to you careless or neglectful.

As often as it is needed or useful, you may freely make known with humility and charity whatsoever you think is necessary or advan­tageous for you. But, meanwhile, you should feel so disposed that, whether your desire be granted or refused, you will continue to be calm and resigned.

Patiently bear, as not the least portion of your illness, whatsoever you may have to en­dure 'from them that have care of you. For under the disagreeable circumstances wherein you are placed this may have great merit.

Beware, lest under pretense of infirmity you indulge the flesh. Herein do many err, who by sickness, are not only not made better, but ra­ther worse, becoming lovers of their body and slaves of their passions.

Give to the body what is due the body; but neither in good nor in ill health; neither in life nor in death, minister food to the inor­dinate propensities of the flesh; which, as in health so also in sickness, are dangerous, and therefore to be mortified.

In a spirit of mortification, submit to what­ever unpleasant remedies may be prescribed. This mortification is the more precious, and a proof of purer love for Me, as it is irksome and further removed from natural inclination. While you are sick, do not trouble your­self with desires of attending to your office or employment, of laboring for yourself or others, or performing works of piety; or of doing other good things that are incompatible with your infirmity.

Such things serve for nothing but to cause you useless affliction, to disquiet you to no good purpose. and to displease Me.

Those things I do not require of you, what I ask for the present is that you suffer with a good heart and be resigned to the divine will. Do what I desire of you, and leave all the rest to My providence, which knows how to order everything rightly without you.

Look to it, My child, that when sick you be not anxious to follow your own guidance. For it is especially at this time that, being blinded, you would blindly lead yourself into some pre­cipice.

Hearken religiously to your superiors, and suffer yourself to be directed by Me through them. Honor the physician for the need you have of him, and obey him in simplicity of heart.

Do not harm yourself, through negligence or carelessness, while you are sick; but use re­medies in a reasonable manner, praying God, from whom is all healing, that if it be for your good, He may design to heal you.

Having done so, however, serious the disease may be, believe that it is something advanta­geous for you, since it is the divine will.

Come, My child, be willingly a martyr to suffering for My love, who, through every ex­cess of pain, became the chief of all martyrs.

Have patience, have patience! Behold, still a little while, and your grief shall be turned into joy; and I Myself-who for love of you was crowned with thorns-will crown you with hon­or and glory.

THE VOICE OF THE DISCIPLE. - Blessed are You, O Lord, who visit Your servant, that in time You might mercifully prepare me for eternity!

I suffer much, Lord Jesus; You know it. As­sist me with Your grace; strengthen me with Your love. If You will that my pain be lasting, increase Your grace, increase my patience.


THE VOICE OF JESUS. - My child, when I entered the Garden of Olives, when the earth was silent all around, behold, there rush­ed and pressed upon Me, on the one hand, all the sins of the world, on the other, the fright­ful tortures of My Passion; and with such violence did they crowd upon My Heart that although It is the strength of them that are weak, It began to fear, to grow weary, sad, disconsolate.

But when I beheld distinctly that, by the great sufferings taken upon Me with so much love, and offered up with so great a mercy for the salvation of all men, not a few would refuse to be saved, and would, by a wilful hard­heartedness, misuse them for their deeper des­truction, and return Me at last nothing except the blackest ingratitude - then, My child, My Heart, growing faint with anguish, forced Me to exclaim: My soul is sorrowful, even unto death?

However, having withdrawn from My disciples and advanced a little, kneeling down, I prayed. Meanwhile, by the struggle between the su­perior and inferior part of My Heart, My sor­rows increasing to such a degree that My sweat became as drops of blood trickling down upon the ground, I fell down on My face, and being in agony I prayed the longer.

And as My agony, on account of that inward struggle, continued, I persevered in prayer; Father, if You will, remove this chalice from Me; pet, not My will but Yours be done. Yes, My Father, Your will be done!

Then, sent from heaven, an angel appeared, not to take away the chalice of My Passion, which My Father willed Me wholly to drain, but to strengthen Me; that when joy was sent before Me without My Passion, despising the shame, I might voluntarily endure the cross.

Reflect, My child, how painful a struggle My Heart underwent that night; a struggle the like of which is not found; a struggle on the result of which hung the salvation of the world.

My Heart fought, laboring, wrestling, resist­ing even unto blood; but it conquered in prayer. Behold, My child, behold a source of varied consolation for you: My heart, struggling with death, and praying: fighting by love; triumph­ing by love. To what extent I felt the hardship of My sufferings, to what extent I tasted their bitterness! And all this, My child, to teach, to relieve, to encourage you.

Re not, then, cast down, nor wonder when you feel a repugnance to suffering. For if My Heart, although holy and perfect, felt its pains to such a degree, what wonder if your heart feels them likewise?

But never shall you experience, never shall you feel, so much as My Heart felt. Where you to endure at once in your Heart whatever you shall have to suffer during your whole life, it would be no more than a little drop from the chalice that My Heart drained in the Garden.

Whatever may be the reluctance that you experience in yourself, follow My example; yield not to opposing nature, but go counter to it.

To this end, in every difficulty, in every an­guish, hasten without delay to prayer.

If when you are troubled you have recourse to prayer, distress will ever prove gainful to you. By prayer, you shall either be delivered from it with merit, or you shall be helped to endure it for your good.

Come, then, My child, and with knees bent or with your heart at least humbly prostrate, pray like Myself; pray that, if it be the divine will, the cup of your affliction may pass away; yet not so that yours, but the divine will be done.

Pray, if this chalice may not pass away, that you obtain grace to be resigned, to submit your­self to drink it.

Be of good cheer, My child under no circum­stances shall you ever have afflictions that will require you to struggle as much, in order to be resigned, as I had. You shall never have a contest that will cause you a bloody sweat.

Whatsoever, difficulty you may have, exert yourself, wrestle, fight with yourself, to over­come your feeling. Struggle again and again, pray, and pray the longer, until you have ren­dered your heart conformed to the divine will, and have prepared it, in spite of nature, to follow Me through every hardship that may be sent it from above.

It is a great misfortune for you, that you are wont to have recourse to prayer ra­ther slowly, and first to try human skill; that you suffer the unwearied enemy of your salva­tion, and the ill-regulated propensity of na­ture, to obtain too great a sway over your heart.

Hearken not to the suggestions of the devil or of any passion whatsoever. For, by false reasoning they seek to deceive, to injure you. Forbidding yourself all reasoning, all intercourse with them, come forthwith to My heart; here is your counsel, here is your help, here is your comfort.

Even were an angel sent down from heaven, you should not be left without consoling aid, if you prayed, as it behooves you.

And if despite your pious efforts, you con­tinue to feel an opposition within yourself, be not on that account dejected. Provided you will be resigned to the divine will, this repugnance felt, indeed, but pot willed, far from doing you harm, shall, on the contrary, if you struggle against it, be of greatest advantage to you.

It is the characteristic of an heroic disciple of My Heart to pray and endeavor with all his strength to overcome himself completely in those things from which nature shrinks, as well as in those to which it is prone.

When you pray in affliction you ought to pray that you are willing to be resigned -  whether you obtain relief, or, - in its stead, receive something else - which is better for you, because more conformable to the divine will, or whether you taste sweetness or experience bitterness.

For that prayer is not the best, in which the greatest consolations are felt; since what is sweet is not always useful, nor is that which is bitter always hurtful. In man's present state, sweetness is wont to do harm, bitterness to be advantageous.

The best prayer is that which you resort to with greater humility and greater charity, and of which you feel well disposed, that in order to do the good pleasure of God, you are willing to do against whatever is displeasing in it.

How pitiful a sight before God and angels and men, to see persons who daily pray long and much, go and carry nothing away with them but faults of negligence and abuse of grace, or a more delicate pride and self-love. having in no wise become better inclined towards their duties, not abler to bear the defects of their neighbor, nor to curb their own inclina- tions. You, My child, do you pray better, as taught by My example? Pray and overcome nature; pray and resign and conform yourself to the divine good pleasure.

These arduous efforts shall not long be needed, Yet a little while, and you shall no longer pre­pare yourself for tribulations, nor encourage yourself in them; but you shall sing glad and glorious triumphs with the Saints, who all have come out of great tribulations, and who now in their reward, are enraptured by the unbroken excess of rejoicing, and exult forevermore.

THE VOICE OF THE DISCIPLE. - Thanks to You, most compassionate Jesus, true comfort­er of all who are in trouble; thanks to You, that You console me so disinterestedly and so gently, amid all the repugnance I am wont to feel in regard to sufferings; and for that, at so great a cost to Yourself, You did open for we a source of remedies in every affliction.

O sweet Jesus, my love and my every good! I beg and implore You, bestow upon me the grace always and everywhere to repose with You in the divine will, and to continue thus with You forever.


 Behold me, my child! I am your Mother, stand­ing by my Jesus in order to present you to Him and to intercede for you. Poor child of mine: fear not; let not the Divinity of My Son frighten you. I am here in no other role than that of a Mother. Let me know your needs, your hopes and your desires, and I will explain them all to Him.

What do you need?

Tell me; and have trust in me. Are you afraid for your sins? It is well that you should have fear for them, because sins are really more dreadful than you think. Their hideousness is the best reason for shunning them. But you should on the other hand, have no fear, because My Son has paid your debt when He took it upon Himself to answer for all your sins. Go to Him unafraid. I will lead you to Him. Bring your fingers to these Wounds; let the drops of this purifying, cleansing blood fall upon your brow. Do you not now feel more consoled? Is it not true that your affections are purified, your heart inflamed when you come and touch the Virgin Body of My Jesus?

Do not all the offenses you have committed against my Son grieve you?

Come closer... think clearly. Do you see that sacred brow gashed by thorns? Those are the evil thoughts that my Jesus wished to purify - for your sake. Do you see those eyes, the delight of angels, now alas, lusterless and dim in death? Thus, has my Jesus paid for your sinful sensual curiosity. Those parched, livid lips have expiated your greed and your sinful talk; those wounds that cover His body cry out the name of the guilty one -you! Does not the sight of my Jesus move you? Does it not call you to repentance?

Is some bad habit or passion holding you back?

If so, then with more reason you should come here rnore frequently, and avail your­self of ary intercession. O frail heart! What is it that attracts you' Pleasure? Come to the wound on the side of Jesus, and have no fear, for I, His mother, tell you to: bring your lips to the heavenly drink that flows from it. This the elect have drunk; they who so man­fully despised the delights of the sense and pre­ferred those of heaven. Come again . . . and hear the beating of His Heart. Why is It quick­ened? Because It is stirred by love, because you come near It. His one desire is to save you, and even from afar He sees you coming to the Fountain of Life, which is Himself. Do not go away; one moment... Do you not feel more life within you? How could it be otherwise, since He Himself once said: "Come to Me all you that labor and are burdened, and I will re­fresh you."

Are you grieving for your own inconstancy and for your tepidity?

It is well that you should feel sorry for them. here in our presence; for they have made you unhappy, and they have kept the graces of my Jesus away from you. How different would your life be now had you been faithful to the promises you made me on such and such occa­sion! But courage! there is yet time. You are un­der my protection... you are close to that flame that can set the whole world on fire. Have a little more courage... enter the wound on the side of Jesus and come to the Taberna­cle of His Heart... There, all is fire, burning, consuming fire... Stay there, where once Therese of Jesus, Ignatius, Aloysius stayed. That is the school of love... where neither tepidity nor inconstancy ever gain admittance. How difficult it seems to you to stay in that school for any length of time. But the difficulty is not as great as you imagine. My Jesus makes those who approach Him with humility and goodwill abide with Him. Approach Him thus. Tell Him once again, "Hide me, O Lord, within Your Heart. Never let me be separated from You."

What virtue are you in need of? Purity? Yes, purity. You would wish to emerge al­ways victorious in the struggles that rage in your heart and drag you to evil. It makes you envious to see my throne all embowered with lilies, while you yourself, alas, are so full of stains! You cannot but blush and be filled with confusion at the contrast between the purity of your Mother and the ugliness of your own tainted soul. Have you not been told that I possess the secret of that heavenly wine that begets virgins, and which I share with those who strive to please me? Hear, then, what I wish you to do for me. Shun those companions whose conver­sations do not give credit to the love you bear for me. Would you prefer them to me? Avoid that occasion of sin; learn from your past falls that you cannot trust yourself. Would your love for me be enough to persuade you to make the sacrifice? No? Alas, ungrateful child, how little is the love you bear for your Mother! Come, make one more effort; I will help you, and your soul will be freed from the fetters of sin, and you shall be counted among the Guards of Honor of my Son, of Whom it was said. "He feedeth among the lilies."

Do you wish to entreat my Jesus in behalf of others?

Do so for your parents, your brothers and sis­ters, your friends. What would you have my Jesus do for them? Tell it to Him with con­fidence, for here I am, ready to intercede for you... You wish to see them more virtuous, do you not? More solicitous about their eternal salvation? You also wish temporal blessings for them, do you not? You wish them to enjoy material prosperity and good health? Be of good heart! My Jesus hears you and is ready to give you what you ask, if it is for the good of those you pray for. Pray also for wretched sinners. My heart melts with pity when I think of them; yet no one ever seems to remember them.

Pray for the unfortunate souls outside the true Church; pray for those who blaspheme and slander her. Great is the number of these and many of them are miserable youths brought up like yourself in the bosom of Mo­ther Church. Pray that my Son's cause, which is your own, may finally triumph. Pray for the Sovereign Pontiff; and so that your prayer may be more efficacious, unite it with the pray­ers of my Jesus, with my own prayers, and with those of all the just. Offer up your life, your prayers, your sufferings for the triumph of the cause of God. And do not fail to remember the poor souls in purgatory.

Now you are about to leave...

Go then, and perform your duties in the name of my Son and in my own name. Receive humbly the blessings that He and I now bes­tow on you. Do not forget Us completely in the midst of your daily tasks, but say to us an occasional word or two. I myself will con­vey to my Son whatever message you send Him during the day. Let them be brief, but frequent and full of love. When you are free, come here again, for here we await you and have fresh blessings in store for you. Now, you will expe­rience how sweet it is to live by our side... Above all do not be separated from us through sin, and if by some misfortune you do fall, come to us quickly; wash away the stain from your soul in the Sacrament of Penance, and, if you ask for it with a humble and contrite heart, you will surely have our pardon.


My child, you need not know much in order to please Me much; it suffices that you love Me fervently. Speak to Me, then, with simplicity as to a most intimate- of friends, or as to your parents or' your brother or sister.

Is there anything you ought to ask Me in be­half of someone?

Tell Me the name, be it that of a parent, bro­ther, sister, or friend; tell Me at once what you wish I should do for them. Ask for much, very much. Do not hesitate to ask. I am pleased with generous souls who forget themselves in order to attend to the needs of others. Speak to Me plain­ly and with familiarity, concerning the poor whom you wish to console, the sick whom you see suffering, the wandering souls whom you are anxious to turn to the right path; speak to Me about absent friends whom you would like to see near you once again. Speak to Me a friendly word for the sake of all, an intimate and fervent word. Remind Me that I have pro­mised to listen to all prayers that come from the heart; for could the prayer that you address to Me for those your heart especially loves fail to come from the heart?

And for yourself, do you need any graces? Make Me, if you so wish it, a list of your needs, and come, read it in My presence. Tell Me frankly, that you are moved by pride, love of sensuality and comfort; that you are, perhaps, selfish, inconstant, negligent... and ask Me then to come and help the little or great efforts by which you undertake to shake off such miseries.

Do not be ashamed, poor soul! Many are the just who are in heaven, many saints of the first rank, who had those same defects! But they prayed with humility . . . and little by little they found themselves freed from them.

Neither hesitate to ask Me for temporal goods; health, intelligence, success in your work, busi­ness or studies; all these I can give, and do give you, and I desire you to ask them of me in so far as they do not oppose yqur sanctification, but rather contribute and help towards it. Here and now, what do you need? What can I do for you? If  you only knew the desires I have of loading you with favors!

Just now, have you any plan at hand? Relate it to me in detail. What troubles you? What are you thinking about? What are your wishes? What do you want Me to do for your brother, your sister, your friend; for your su­perior? What would you wish Me to do for them?

And towards Me? Do you not desire My glo­ry? Would you not wish to be able to do good to your neighbor, to your friends whom you love so much, and who live perhaps forgetful of Me?

Tell Me now what particularly occupies your attention, what your most ardent longings are and what means you have at hand to attain them? Tell Me whether your undertaking is a failure, and I shall tell you the causes of its lack of success. Would you not like Me to do something for your benefit? My child, I am the Master of all hearts, and sweetly do I rule over them without impairing their liberty.

Do you perhaps feel sorrowful and depressed? Tell Me, tell me, disconsolate soul, about your grief in all its details. Who has hurt you? Who has hurt your self-love? Who des­pised you? Draw yourself near to My Heart, which possesses a most efficacious balm for cur­ing all your wounds. Give me an account of all, and in a short time, you will end by saying that in imitation of Me, you forgive all, forget all; and in return you will receive My consoling blessing.

Have you perhaps any fear? Do you feel in your soul those vague melancholies that des­pite their groundlessness do not cease to be discouraging? Throw yourself into the arms of My providence. I am with you here; you have Me at your side; I see everything; not for a moment do I abandon you.

Are you hurt by the indifference shown by persons who once loved you well, but now, for­getful, withdraw from you, although you have not given them the least motive for it? Pray for them, and I shall return them to your side, if they are not going to be an obstacle to your sanctif ication.

And have you not, perhaps, some joy to tell Me? Why do you not, as a good friend, share it with Me?

Tell Me all that, since last month,. since your last vigil, have consoled and made your heart as it were, smile. Perhaps you have had pleasant surprises; perhaps you have had dark misgiv­ings that have vanished away; perhaps you have received happy news, some letter or token of affection. You might have overcome some difficulty, or escaped from a critical situation. All that is My work, and I have worked it out for you. Why do you not show Me your gra­titude for it, and say to Me, with the simplicity of a son to his father, "Thank you, dear Father,

thank you!" Gratitude brings with it new be­nefits, for the benefactor is pleased to see his goodness appreciated.

Have you not also some promise to give Me?

You know, I read the depths of your heart. Man may be deceived easily... God, never. Speak to me, then with all sincerity. Have you made a firm resolution not to expose yourself anymore to that occasion of sin? to deprive yourself of that object that has hurt you? not to read again that book that has so ex­cited your imagination? not to deal further with that person who has disturbed the peace of your soul?

Will you once more be kind, amiable and gra-cious with that person whom you have looked upon as an enemy, because he has offended you?

Well, then, My child, go back to your accus­tomed work, to your office, to your family, to your studies... but do not forget the fifteen minutes of pleasant conversation we have bad together here in the solitude of the sanc­tuary. As much as you can guard silence, observe modesty and recollection, be resigned to My will, practice charity toward your neighbor. Love My Mother - who is also yours -  the Most Blessed Virgin, and come back with your heart more devoted to My service. In My Heart you will daily find new love, new benefits, new consolation.